Artículo de Nicholas D. Kristof en  “The New York Times” del 21.03.03 

Con un muy breve comentario al final (L. B.-B.)


In Kuwait these days, the nice hotels supply mints on the pillows, and also terrifying brochures entitled "Preventive Measures in Case of Potential Attack Using Chemical Weapons."

The government press center serves French pastries as air raid sirens blare warnings about incoming missiles. U.S. Army officers sit at laptops in the air-conditioned luxury of the Hilton hotel, gas masks dangling at their sides.

Those are the eerie and disturbing mismatches here in Kuwait as war begins, and with missiles flying and American troops in danger, it's natural to focus on the immediate battle. But the biggest mistake we made 12 years ago in the first gulf war was not a military one on the battlefield, but rather a broader political one: we failed to look ahead and plan adequately what we would do the day after we won. This time, even more than before, we urgently need to plan the peace.

That's also an opportunity for us all to move beyond our own fratricidal debate about the war. Those of us who have opposed this war need to recognize that we lost the debate, not only in the halls of the White House but also in the court of public opinion as well. It's time to move on.

We all share President Bush's hope that ousting Saddam will transform Iraq into a flourishing democracy and revive the Middle East. Here are two principles that may help us improve the chances of winning the peace in Iraq:

First, make this an Arab victory.

As the Pakistani scholar Hussain Haqqani has noted, there's a flaw in the idea that invading Iraq will lead to a new Arab dawn: for the last 700 years, Muslims have reacted to defeat not by embracing modernism but by turning inward and grasping religious fundamentalism. On the other hand, the greatest reform in any Muslim country in the last century came in Turkey after a rare victory, when Kemal Ataturk defeated the Greeks and foiled Western plans to carve up his country.

The U.S. plans to make Jay Garner, a retired general, the civilian viceroy of Iraq. But every invasion in the Middle East in the last two centuries, since Napoleon's, has soured within a few years, in part because of nationalist resentment of the intruders.

That suggests that we should make the outcome in Iraq seem, as much as possible, like a victory for Iraqis, and we should put them in charge quickly. There is a way to engineer this: Shiites make up about 60 percent of Iraqis but have historically been politically repressed and economically impoverished, so if we allow them their fair share of power, this will be a genuine and historic triumph for them.

Second, don't mess with Iraq's oil. Iraq is, economically, a disaster, with Unicef reporting that 25 percent of children are chronically malnourished, and estimates of the cost of rebuilding the country running to $100 billion or more. Just restoring Iraq's electrical grid to its pre-1990 level may cost $20 billion.

Some have suggested brightly that Iraqi oil will pay for rebuilding the country. It won't. Iraqi oil production capacity has been falling in recent years, not rising, and it will be expensive to turn that around. A report this month from the Council on Foreign Relations estimated that restoring production to its peak in 1977 — 3.5 million barrels per day, compared with a capacity today of 2.8 million barrels per day — would require spending $6 billion over two years.

Everywhere I have been in the Arab world over the last year, people have been deeply cynical about American motives, assuming that we're just after Iraqi oil. Unless we want to give anti-Americanism a huge boost and create tremendous hostility within Iraq that would make our occupation untenable, we won't covet Iraq's oil — it's just not worth it. Having harmed America's image in the runup to this war, let's restore it in the aftermath.

Oh, no, time to go. The air raid siren is shrieking again, and hotel employees in dark suits and matching gas masks are rushing unnerved guests into a bomb shelter. Kuwait has become a collection of surreal juxtapositions: a rich city of gleaming office towers where people fumble for their gas masks. I have a new mask that allows me to attach a canteen and sip water during a nerve gas attack, but even it is not perfect. It won't accommodate my hotel mint.



Existen varias cuestiones que suscitan preocupación, por lo que se refiere a la crisis iraquí:

En primer lugar, cómo se va a desenvolver la batalla de Bagdad, si es que llega a producirse: ¿va a ser un infierno numantino, con gran número de víctimas civiles y militares y uso de armamento químico o biológico?


Otra cuestión es la del Norte: ¿va a crearse un conflicto nuevo y enquistable, como el palestino-israelí, si se permite la ocupación por Turquía de la zona kurda de Irak? ¿No sería coonveniente lanzar tropas aerotransportadas urgentemente sobre el Kurdistan iraquí, de acuerdo con los kurdos, para evitar la actuación por la vía de los hechos consumados de los turcos?


En tercer lugar, es preocupante el modo de realizar la transición en Irak: todavía no circula suficiente información acerca del estado de la oposición iraquí a Hussein, pero da la impresión de una gran división política, acentuada por las divisiones étnicas.

Pero ante esta fragmentación también resulta preocupante que se haya de recurrir a un "virrey" militar estadounidense para encabezar el gobierno de transición. ¿No caben otras posibilidades?

Kristof tiene razón al decir que conviene irse planteando ya desde ahora los pasos siguientes.